Olde tyme feelin'
"I got a good old soul,
it's just got a few dings."
- Mike McClure
Went to church this Sunday for the first time since I care to admit. I liked it. My buddy Dave from class (not the cannon guy) invited me and Vickie from work let me go in the middle of my shift. I was cleaning toilets anyway, who'd care right? Funny how I avoid good things for so long just to realize how much I needlessly missed out on when I finally come around to my senses. The people there sang old hymns out of the books and said shouted "Amen!" when the preacher said somehting good. And he said a lot of good about the Uniqueness of Christ and read I Tim. 2:1-6 from the King James Bible. I'm partial to the NASB myself; still got a copy Matt gave me a few years ago. The whole time felt Right though, and my brother Charles agreed. That he'd be up and prepared to go to some stranger's church on a football Sunday at 10AM was evidence enough to me that the Lord was at work. And when I came home from school this evening, there was a door hanger from the church saying how they were sorry we weren't home when they stopped by to visit, but that they'd be back later. Hopefully I'll be here then. I might just go again this Sunday. Maybe this is what I've been needing for awhile. Maybe I knew it was and got tired of fighting. Maybe the prayers of those who're better than me are finally coming around. Maybe.
It means, 'may the Lord bless you and keep you' :)
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