The Raving Knave

rave - 1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm (raved about its beauty)//knave - 1 archaic a : a boy servant b : a male servant c : a man of humble birth or position 2 : a tricky deceitful fellow 3 : JACK

Monday, November 21, 2005

Worth at least a hundred words...

I went out to the garage and found these. Maybe I shouldn't have.

I'm Syrian!  Why do you all think I'm French?
That's Muslim Mike and the Peterbilt we drove. The tank simulator had about a thousand gallons of diesel fuel in its tanks, meaning that only people with HazMat training could transport it.

Yes, I'm almost resting my arms on my gut.  Got any beef jerky?
And that's me in front of the sim, about five years younger and seventy pounds heavier than I am now. I just wish we'd been allowed to go inside and see how the sim worked.


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