The Raving Knave

rave - 1 a : to talk irrationally in or as if in delirium b : to speak out wildly c : to talk with extreme enthusiasm (raved about its beauty)//knave - 1 archaic a : a boy servant b : a male servant c : a man of humble birth or position 2 : a tricky deceitful fellow 3 : JACK

Saturday, December 24, 2005

I'm Done

I think I'm done typing on this blog. Although I've enjoyed putting thoughts and stories here for the world to read, I know my motives for doing so were wrong. I'm a proud and vain creature; two faults I hope God erradicates in me some day. Blogging is a good thing when done for the right reasons, and I'll continue to read the ones I've come to enjoy over the last few months. There's usually a lot of worthwhile reading to be done out there and a lot of good work goes into these sites. But it's time for me to put this whole 'knave' thing to rest. Thanks for stopping by and putting up with my mania!